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CD Models 012 Ford Escort Mk1 World Cup Rally Roger Clark

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CD Models 012 Ford Escort Mk1 World Cup Rally Roger Clark Empty CD Models 012 Ford Escort Mk1 World Cup Rally Roger Clark

Post  CDM Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:39 pm

CD MODELS 012 – Ford Escort Mk1 1980 World Cup Rally Roger Clark & Alec Poole. Limited edition of 50. 16000 gruelling miles the toughest ever rally but sadly for Roger Clark he failed to finish crashing into a non competing car. This model is based on a Trofeu model painted and prepared by them. The decals were researched and applied by myself. Cost will be £64 inc p&p in the UK or £65 inc p&p to Europe.

CD Models 007 was also a World Cup Rally Escort of Tony Fall. These are still in stock at £64 inc p&p in the UK or £65 inc p&p to Europe.

CD Models 012 Ford Escort Mk1 World Cup Rally Roger Clark CDModels012EscortClark

I have'nt forgotten CD Models 010 and 011, more details soon.


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Join date : 2012-02-10

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CD Models 012 Ford Escort Mk1 World Cup Rally Roger Clark Empty Re: CD Models 012 Ford Escort Mk1 World Cup Rally Roger Clark

Post  Mark Lowe Sat Nov 03, 2012 11:01 pm

Very nice Chris
Mark Lowe
Mark Lowe

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Join date : 2012-10-19
Age : 51
Location : Middlesbrough,

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