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1/18 Revell Manta

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1/18 Revell Manta Empty 1/18 Revell Manta

Post  brian Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:19 pm

With the 'racing' manta the only one to be released by Revell, and the fact that they are getting harder to find, ive been thinking there must be something we can do to try show Revell that this model deserves more versions to be released.

I think this forum is the place to start. There's enough people interested in 1/18s on this forum to spread the word throughout the internet and maybe get a petition set up so we can contact Revell.

Anyone know how we would go about getting things started

Always interested in 1/18 Irish Decals/models

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1/18 Revell Manta Empty Re: 1/18 Revell Manta

Post  Cazzo Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:28 pm


Class idea Brian,

I've been chatting to the Sunstar importer in the UK about doing plain white RHD MKll's,
He's saying a min order of 500 to 750 would get Sunstar thinking about it,

I'll see if I can track down the Revell UK importer so we have a contact to hit with emails,
Most of the model makers will only listen to the importers as they will be the one's putting in an order,
Us as collectors come second and they don't really listen to our feedback,

Even if then done a run of plain white rally version Mantas this would be a big help, 


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1/18 Revell Manta Empty Re: 1/18 Revell Manta

Post  brian Sat Jun 15, 2013 2:24 pm

To be honest, any rally manta would be great. If we could gather enough interest so we could go to an importer and say we have X number of people interested it would definately help out cause.

500 to 750 mk2s is a big number to fill. Even with all the builders and shops in Ireland and the UK taking 10 or 20 you would have trouble getting to that number

Always interested in 1/18 Irish Decals/models

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1/18 Revell Manta Empty Re: 1/18 Revell Manta

Post  Cazzo Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:25 pm


I've been asking about and there is no sole importer in the UK for Revell,
They have a forum and a FB page so I've posted the Vatanen Manta on their FB page asking if they are releasing more,

Here's the links to the forum and FB

http://z13.invisionfree.com/RevellAtions/index.php?   English Forum

http://community.revell.de/   German Forum

https://www.facebook.com/Revell  Face book


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Age : 49
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1/18 Revell Manta Empty Re: 1/18 Revell Manta

Post  gaz_bass Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:16 am

As a collector and the No 2 Manta Man on this Forum (thanks to BMD!) I prefer the elusiveness of it all. Sun Star have cashed in on the Ascona's and MKII's, I would hate this to happen to the Manta from Revell, but it doesn't really seem to be their game. Unless they send me a free one of every version they do, I could be persuaded!

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1/18 Revell Manta Empty Re: 1/18 Revell Manta

Post  bmd Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:01 pm

lol!! m8 :) :oops: :king:

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