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Jawi Decals Fraudulent?

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Jawi Decals Fraudulent? Empty Jawi Decals Fraudulent?

Post  jusali Thu May 15, 2014 8:46 am

I have recently paid Jawi (bank to bank) 30 quid for some decals.
I emailed him a number of times to find out if he received the money or if he has sent my decals and have heard nothing.
It has been a month now.
He seemed capable enough of emailing details when he wanted to receive the money but no correspondence since.
30 quid might not seem a lot of money but for nothing it is so I'm gonna report this as online fraud.
Before I do does anyone know this guy and might be able to find out if he is in difficulty? I'm not gonna add to a struggling guys woes, but equally if he's a scam merchant, I'm quite happy to dump on from a great height.

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Jawi Decals Fraudulent? Empty Re: Jawi Decals Fraudulent?

Post  Hampton Caught Thu May 15, 2014 9:33 am

Yuck! Sorry to hear about your experience! Sounds cr&p!

I haven't any direct experiences that I can recall. Hope it ends up OK for you.

Let us know how you get on and 'good luck'!

Cheers, Steve
Hampton Caught
Hampton Caught

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Jawi Decals Fraudulent? Empty Re: Jawi Decals Fraudulent?

Post  bmd Thu May 15, 2014 10:32 am

justin, i and others on here have bought from jan-willem in the past...sometimes communications aren't the best but ive found the item, when it gets here, to be excellent quality.... others may also have opinions on his service of course........hope you get sorted m8...

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Jawi Decals Fraudulent? Empty Re: Jawi Decals Fraudulent?

Post  brian Thu May 15, 2014 2:13 pm

Can only echo Billys comments as Ive had the ame experience when dealing with Jawi. However that was before he stopped making decals.

I can PM you the bank details that I used to send him money the last time to see if they match up what you used. That will confirm wether it is definately they same person

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Jawi Decals Fraudulent? Empty Re: Jawi Decals Fraudulent?

Post  jusali Thu May 15, 2014 5:11 pm

Thanks Brian Yeah that might help 'if' I do go down the investigation route!

Posts : 342
Join date : 2013-06-04
Age : 52
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Jawi Decals Fraudulent? Empty Re: Jawi Decals Fraudulent?

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