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Portugal, we have a problem...

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Portugal, we have a problem... Empty Portugal, we have a problem...

Post  Juha Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:24 pm

Quality standards are dropping a bit there.

This one was delivered yesterday. New in its box... A scratch off the decal on the front wing, another small scratch on the rear, a chip in the paintwork on the other side, and the chassis tightened so hard it looks like a lowrider.

Portugal, we have a problem... Escort11

I received another one today from a different seller. I can only guess how this made it through quality control. Or the importers? Or the seller? Nothing some glue won't fix, but it shouldn't happen.

Portugal, we have a problem... Escort10

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Portugal, we have a problem... Empty Re: Portugal, we have a problem...

Post  reeft1 Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:37 pm

Sorry to see that Juha. Very frustrating.

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Portugal, we have a problem... Empty Re: Portugal, we have a problem...

Post  Sal Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:07 pm

Trofeu build quality never been that great IMO. Try to avoid buying unseen as usually a bit of a lottery.


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