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Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier

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Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier Empty Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier

Post  brian Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:14 pm

Following on from the Meagher Book launch last night, we may have found a contact who will be able to build some of these to order. Details yet to be worked out but if we had an idea on numbers it may help the cause and final price.

Cases would be similar to the ones below. I have 2 of these and can easily fit 3 1/18s with loads of space left. We managed to fit several 1/43s into these last night with the square bases being an ideal fit. Pictures dont really do them justice as they look much better in the flesh.

If anyone would be interested let me know. No idea on cost yet but a rough idea on numbers would be very helpful

Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier Dscf8716
Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier Dscf8717

Always interested in 1/18 Irish Decals/models

Posts : 2009
Join date : 2012-02-07
Age : 37
Location : Waterford

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Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier Empty Re: Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier

Post  Speedy Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:15 pm

Depending on the price, I'd be interested in one, maybe two

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Age : 49
Location : Carlow, S.Ireland


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Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier Empty Perspex Cabinets

Post  brogal Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:53 pm

I would be interested in £ or 4,depending on price!


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Age : 75
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Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier Empty Re: Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier

Post  JOB Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:48 pm

Brian, Can you give me the exact dimensions and I will stay on his case - pardon the pun. Thats if you did not give them to him on sat evening yourself


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Join date : 2012-02-09

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Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier Empty Re: Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier

Post  brian Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:01 pm

Dan gave me his card but ill send you the sizes. You will be able to apply more pressure than i would.

Always interested in 1/18 Irish Decals/models

Posts : 2009
Join date : 2012-02-07
Age : 37
Location : Waterford

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Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier Empty Re: Perspex Cabinates - Potential Supplier

Post  turn the wheel Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:42 pm

I would be interested in a few myself toooooo

turn the wheel

Posts : 1070
Join date : 2012-02-12

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