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A friends selling up

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A friends selling up Empty A friends selling up

Post  Zeus Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:57 am

Can anyone on here help with valuation on the models? I'll be going up on thursday & will get pics & list

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A friends selling up Empty Re: A friends selling up

Post  daivideo Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:55 am

Ebay may be a good place to start.

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A friends selling up Empty Re: A friends selling up

Post  Sal the 2nd Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:46 pm

No easy answer. Models are only worth what the market is prepared to pay at the time they are for sale and very few are an investment. A dealer will only offer about 40% of the total value so depends if its a quick sale or maximum return but with effort they are after. A stall at a recognised collectors fair may cost £40 or so plus travel and time but will be easier than packaging things up if they sell on ebay however that's a worldwide market and toy fair visitors love to haggle!

Sal the 2nd
Sal the 2nd

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A friends selling up Empty Re: A friends selling up

Post  newt5550 Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:12 pm

What Sal said.
Toy fairs are very hit and miss. People want models cheap as they can get and depending at what toy fair your at and who is selling what depends on what you will sell. I've been to toy fair where RM toys were selling models dirt cheap and other stall holders complaining because they can't compete with them.
Ebay will be what people will bid up to. Some go silly, some go cheap. Depending on how desperate somebody is for "that" model. Plus don't forget ebay fee's and pay pal fee's. At least 15% of your money gone there.
In my mind I would put them up on here and see what could be sold on and or go through some of the FB groups your on. At least all the money will go to you. Would just be the hassle of packing and posting them.

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Age : 56
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