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Ebay multiple purchases

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Ebay multiple purchases Empty Ebay multiple purchases

Post  JOB Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:35 pm

I am looking at a situation where a seller has listed 10 items , many of which are of interest to me but they are all ending at the same time. Its a European seller and the end time is in the middle of the working day for most people in this part of the world so getting a bunch of people to watch an item each is not really feasible. Is it possible to have a number of pages open on one computer at the same time and bid on each page for a different item ?


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Ebay multiple purchases Empty Re: Ebay multiple purchases

Post  bmd Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:23 pm

james i dont see why not, ive had ebay open in more than one tab at same time, bidding should be grand id have thought, tho i stand to be corrected...

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Ebay multiple purchases Empty Re: Ebay multiple purchases

Post  brian Mon Oct 28, 2019 10:23 pm

You should be able to James, but might be best to use a pc rather than on a mobile device.

Any reason for wanting to bid at the same time instead of using the automatic bidding in ebay? If its the middle of the day when they finish, chances are no one will bid last min as they will be in work too

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Ebay multiple purchases Empty Re: Ebay multiple purchases

Post  JOB Mon Oct 28, 2019 10:33 pm

brian wrote:You should be able to James, but might be best to use a pc rather than on a mobile device.

Any reason for wanting to bid at the same time instead of using the automatic bidding in ebay? If its the middle of the day when they finish, chances are no one will bid last min as they will be in work too

Middle of the day here but moves into evening time the further east you go.


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Ebay multiple purchases Empty Re: Ebay multiple purchases

Post  RORY O CONNOR Fri Nov 01, 2019 10:46 pm

Open each item in a new window then minimize the window so you can watch the countdown on each item!

Ebay multiple purchases Untitled_zpsegsz5uuz

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