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What ever happened to.....

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What ever happened to..... Empty What ever happened to.....

Post  Dr Tumbo Mon Jun 22, 2020 10:15 am

Living on the other side of the world can make it very difficult to keep up with the Irish scene. Hasn't helped that thanks to training it's been years since I really followers more than the wrc - hopefully this will change.

Wondering whatever happened to Kevin Lynch. Not the greatest driver but certainly put in the effort and into the community. Wondering where he's at now, last I can see he rallied in 2009??? Those KPL liveries were quite striking and I'm pleased to have a few in the collection - incl those from Steve and the Late Mark Lowe
Dr Tumbo
Dr Tumbo

Posts : 521
Join date : 2012-02-07
Age : 41

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What ever happened to..... Empty Re: What ever happened to.....

Post  RORY O CONNOR Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:44 pm

Dr Tumbo wrote:Living on the other side of the world can make it very difficult to keep up with the Irish scene. Hasn't helped that thanks to training it's been years since I really followers more than the wrc - hopefully this will change.

Wondering whatever happened to Kevin Lynch. Not the greatest driver but certainly put in the effort and into the community. Wondering where he's at now, last I can see he rallied in 2009??? Those KPL liveries were quite striking and I'm pleased to have a few in the collection - incl those from Steve and the Late Mark Lowe

Kevin's business crashed in the big recession of 2010/2011 so no money for rally cars!

Posts : 1676
Join date : 2012-02-08

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What ever happened to..... Empty Re: What ever happened to.....

Post  Dr Tumbo Tue Jun 23, 2020 2:53 am

Sadly that makes sense Crying or Very sad
Dr Tumbo
Dr Tumbo

Posts : 521
Join date : 2012-02-07
Age : 41

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