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First attempt at 3-D printing

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First attempt at 3-D printing Empty First attempt at 3-D printing

Post  GroupBfan Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:39 am

I was quite fond of my Norev/Provence Moulage/Luminyo Nissan GTi-R from the '91 Safari until I realized that they had put the entirely wrong wheels on it.

First attempt at 3-D printing Luminy10
First attempt at 3-D printing 14700510

Try as I might, I couldn't find a suitable replacement set, so I had no choice but to make my own. I removed the original wheels, took careful measurements, and then modeled the replacements (which are I believe a bespoke  version of OZ Superturismo wheels specifically made for Nissan) in a 3D package called Modo (which conveniently I use in my job.)

First attempt at 3-D printing 91safa10
First attempt at 3-D printing Pulsar10

I printed them using the SLA resin printer we also happened to have at work, and here are the results. Sadly a lot of fine detail is lost due to the resolution limitations of the printer, but I'm hoping to take another stab at them when we get more up-to-date equipment. But for this scale, they'll do fine.

First attempt at 3-D printing Nissan10
First attempt at 3-D printing Nissan12
First attempt at 3-D printing Nissan11
First attempt at 3-D printing Nissan13

Had to cut two of them to fit as spares, which was very tricky as 3D print resin is extremely brittle.

First attempt at 3-D printing Unadju17
First attempt at 3-D printing Unadju16
First attempt at 3-D printing Unadju15
First attempt at 3-D printing Unadju18
First attempt at 3-D printing Unadju19

End result is pretty satisfactory. Still have to blacken the wheel centers but it'll do.

First attempt at 3-D printing Unadju23
First attempt at 3-D printing Unadju21
First attempt at 3-D printing Unadju22

Next project will be a more ambitious one, I'm modeling a 5-door body to fit Maxichamps' Alfa Romeo Alfasud TI (3-door) model. Going to need a sharper 3D printer to make that happen though. We'll see how that goes!!


Posts : 37
Join date : 2012-03-16

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First attempt at 3-D printing Empty Re: First attempt at 3-D printing

Post  bmd Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:16 am

waow!......thats impressive! Shocked Smile

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First attempt at 3-D printing Empty Re: First attempt at 3-D printing

Post  David Napier Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:39 pm

Very good, how did you find them to finish? I had some 3d printing done on a half scale tractor and found sanding etc very difficult

David Napier

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First attempt at 3-D printing Empty Re: First attempt at 3-D printing

Post  reeft1 Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:04 pm

very impressive!

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First attempt at 3-D printing Empty Re: First attempt at 3-D printing

Post  GroupBfan Tue Feb 09, 2021 5:24 pm

Thanks, guys. I'm looking forward to doing more when I get access to a printer again.

David Napier wrote:Very good, how did you find them to finish? I had some 3d printing done on a half scale tractor and found sanding etc very difficult

I didn't really have to do much. What you see in the photos is how they came out, and it only took a minor sanding pass to prep them for primer. The SLR prints come out a lot finer than FDM, and you generally don't have to deal with much "stair-stepping." That said, I'd hate to print something 1/2 scale with it, printing time doubles each time you halve the z-axis resolution.


Posts : 37
Join date : 2012-03-16

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