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HPI Releases

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HPI Releases Empty HPI Releases

Post  Mal Sat May 11, 2013 4:54 am

Just found out that HPI is entering the 1/18 scale arena with a '78 Stratos SanRemo car and a '77 Stratos Monte car. Can't wait to see if they also release some Lancers and Subarus.


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HPI Releases Empty Re: HPI Releases

Post  borbase Sat May 11, 2013 8:43 am

I hope so

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HPI Releases Empty Re: HPI Releases

Post  omer yetis Sat May 11, 2013 12:15 pm

they already entered with their Resin Alfa Romeo 155 DTM's... they made two models already same time AA released the same model in die-cast

those Stratos will also be resin, and I really don't understand why they have been producing an already existing model by Kyosho, sun star and maybe others?
we, collectors are expecting producers to focus on none existing models instead of keep repeating or copying each other.
this had been discussed many times on different forums and I am sure that the representative of the producers are hearing us...
omer yetis
omer yetis

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HPI Releases Empty Re: HPI Releases

Post  Mal Sat May 11, 2013 12:24 pm

I have no problems with them doing a release that has been done before, just make sure it is accurate. With the Alfa, you could also ask Autoart why they made something that had already been released years ago. The HPI version is about $100 cheaper. And unless you display the car in pieces, why get the Aa version. The fine detail is fairly thick and heavy compared to the HPI version.

The scary thing is they also announced doing a 1/12 scale Nissan Skyline R32 Calasonic car. Hate to know the cost of that.


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HPI Releases Empty Re: HPI Releases

Post  Sal Sat May 11, 2013 4:58 pm

Never expect the Japanese to employ any Western logic, they really do have a totally different mind set! Lancia and all Italian brands together are massively sought after by collectors of actual cars there so it makes perfect sense that Nippon model manufaturers will follow suit.

Still cant understand why they choose to do certain models in resin though. They modelled the ST185 Celica in diecast yet the 205 in resin! Just glad that they are doing the Delta S4 in Esso Gold colours at long last.


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