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Thoughts on forum?

Hampton Caught
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Thoughts on forum? Empty Thoughts on forum?

Post  srsmodels Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:32 pm

With lots of people selling collections and sales dire...

How do the rest of us think this forum will go long term?


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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  Hampton Caught Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:52 pm

Steve, I guess I'm looking at the Forum from a different perspective from you in that I haven't got anything to sell. The advice, banter and general comeraderie on here is something I've always enjoyed and I don't expect that to change.

Whilst there are those of us attending events, making and buying models and wanting to share their interests with others, I'd hope the Forum will go from strength to strength..... though perhaps the idea of a Forum-only model is not going to get off the ground, sadly! Our ideas and preferences seem to be so disperate!

Cheers, Steve
Hampton Caught
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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  jusali Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:56 pm

Sales and collections are like a sine wave, they fall and rise just as the economy falls and rises.
Times are hard as a a knock on from the 2008 crash it's really taken a while to hit us but here we are.
Austerity measures are finally starting to bite and the nice shit has to go to feed the family etc.
The stagnation of wages should finally start to lift this year (if we are to believe the hype about the economic recovery) so hopefully people will have a bit more money to indulge their collective pleasures!
As for affecting the boards? scratch 
I think we're all fairly mature Rally Model enthusiasts who will continue to make time for our models and each other and amaze each other with our builds and bargains! afro 

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  mconboy Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:44 pm

I started to collect in 2000. I don't buy many models now but on the other hand I havn't sold any either.
The forum to me is to see whats available be amazed with the one off builds and indeed the code 3 that are for sale. I think in these times the banter and good deeds that you see on these pages give hope.
I understand that the builders invest and they are hit hardest.
Just my humble opinion..

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  Hampton Caught Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:38 pm

jusali wrote:The stagnation of wages should finally start to lift this year (if we are to believe the hype about the economic recovery) so hopefully people will have a bit more money to indulge their collective pleasures!

I'm hoping you're right!  Surprised  The MPs are starting the ball rolling, awarding themselves a 10 or 11% pay rise, which is great! For them, anyway! Must be expensive keeping two homes going!  tongue 

I've just had a 1% pay rise, apparently. My first pay rise in three years! I haven't noticed the additional spending power it's given me, probably because I'm a lot poorer than I was before.  Crying or Very sad 

Still, I knew when I started in local government that I wouldn't be paid very well, knowing that at least I had a good pension to look forward to. That's gone now too, thank you Gordon Brown! I should be well into the second half of my working life, looking to retire in 16-17 years on a full pension. Instead, the longer I work, the further away my expected date of retirement seems to go .... and my pension will be worth 2/3 the pre-Brown value.  scratch 

Still, I'm not bitter!!!  lol!  It's only the banter on here that keeps me sane!  geek 

What do you mean, it isn't working!?! Cheers, Steve
Hampton Caught
Hampton Caught

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  bmd Tue Dec 10, 2013 2:01 pm

would agree with everything said above lads..... when i joined the old forum, it was for my own benefit tbh, seeking advice on models, decals, conversions,etc, etc.... the new forum has managed to survive and grow in what has been probably the tightest economic climate most of us remember... now though theres hardly a day i don't come on even just to read the posts and enjoy the wit (!)....a few points...
* first and foremost, this a forum for like-minded enthusiasts, but we are all different and have various opinions, agendas and themes; i hope we don't see any more departures of members due to disagreements, offence taken/given, or criticism of each other; the forum should be, above all else, enjoyable....if it ever gets too serious, professional-minded and/or formal, i'd be disappointed.... these comments do not infer blame or criticism to any member, past or present...just my observation...
* having said that, the craic on here is, and always has been excellent! i'm sure i'm not alone in saying that if we still had the advice and expertise, but not the banter, i for one wouldn't be here..there are other forums for highly-critical, nit-picking anoraks, out there , let's never let this place become one...
* it should be noted that there is a sizeable membership now and we /i sometimes take the advice/expertise/favours for granted.....i'm sure we all agree that sometimes we don't appreciate the input from each other.... so we could all improve on that side of things (me first....thanks lads, you know who you are!  Smile  )
* i would also add that being a public forum, we should remember there are rules to be observed, and they are there for the betterment of the forum, not for one party...now and again, the odd comment crops up containing content that could be deemed by some-one as offensive....be it swearing, religious/political statements...now i know they are very few and far between, lets keep it that way so no members are offended to the extent that they lose affection for the place....
*i don't need to remind anyone that there are members on here who have for various reasons (their business and no-one elses) had to sell up in recent months.....we should be careful not to offend by appearing to bask in the glory of recent expensive models.....this place is not a rich-list competition, and any of us could, for various reasons, be in the same boat tomorrow...lets be tactful and aware that we all come from different situations....(though i would note that we are not to bad at this i think)...again this will stop some members leaving...
*overall, then, i think we're doing ok in the context of the present environment, big thanks to nicky and paul for keeping the place good enough to attract new members regularly....but any forum is only as good as its members...so at the end of the day its up to us to keep the forum going, and growing...

all imho lads !!  lol! 

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  Hampton Caught Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:07 pm


I whole-heartedly agree with your comments. I'd say 'Amen' to them, but don't want to offend anyone!  Shocked   scratch 

Hang on...... ! Yours confused, but happy, Steve  jocolor 
Hampton Caught
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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  newt5550 Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:49 pm

What Billy said  Very Happy 

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  newt5550 Tue Dec 10, 2013 5:55 pm

Can i just add that there is alot of talent on this forum in the likes of model makers. All are very good at what they do but lets not compare makers in as his is better etc etc. They all have there own style and i have bought from most of them. It depends what model is on offer and what you collect but i have to say all the models i have bought have been brilliant. So thankyou all the model makers on here for doing a sterling job in what you make and i hope you all continue in doing so. Well done lads  cheers 

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  bmd Tue Dec 10, 2013 7:42 pm

well said chris.......... its all good lads!  Smile 

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  reeft1 Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:41 pm

I enjoy my hobby, and i enjoy the banter on this site. Ive had more help than i can remember and always try and acknowledge that when posting pics of my half baked attempts. Im a million miles from being a pro like many of the model gurus on this forum for whom i have huge respect, but it ticks my box and i cudn't do it without your help. All power to your spray guns and printers. Much respect and i wish the forum a long and happy future existence no matter what happens down the line. But lets get rid of the 1/18 heathens. Lowers the tone. Smile (for those of us with less storage space and less understanding better halves)

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  bmd Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:48 pm

 But lets get rid of the 1/18 heathens. Lowers the tone

 affraid  affraid  ok i take back all i said!!!  Sad  Sad 



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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  Mark Lowe Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:51 pm

Hampton Caught wrote:Billy,

I whole-heartedly agree with your comments.  I'd say 'Amen' to them, but don't want to offend anyone!   Shocked    scratch 

Hang on...... !  Yours confused, but happy, Steve   jocolor 

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  bmd Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:52 pm

cheers harrruummmphh!!!!

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Thoughts on forum? Empty Re: Thoughts on forum?

Post  Mark Lowe Tue Dec 10, 2013 10:27 pm

bmd wrote:cheers harrruummmphh!!!!
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